According to Coinmarketcap data, the price of Shiba Inu coin has surged over 77.5% in the past 24 hours, and its market value once reached US$51.6 billion. Not only did it surpass Dogecoin, but also beated Ripple, Polkadot, and USD Coin to become the seventh largest cryptocurrency in the world.
As of 11:45 am Beijing time on Thursday, the price of Shiba Inu Coin has reached $0.00008748. This is the ninth time that Shiba Inu Coin has set a record high in the past two weeks. Shiba Inu coins are now the most valuable meme coin in the world, dethroning Dogecoins.
At present, the price of Shiba Inucoin has dropped and is still above $0.00007, and its market value still exceeds Dogecoin.